Man pages for BGVAR
Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions

add_shockinfoAdding shocks to 'shockinfo' argument
avg.pair.ccAverage Pairwise Cross-Sectional Correlations
bgvarEstimation of Bayesian GVAR
BGVAR-packageBGVAR: Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions
coefExtract Model Coefficients of Bayesian GVAR
conv.diagMCMC Convergence Diagnostics
dicDeviance Information Criterion
eerDataExample data set to replicate Feldkircher and Huber (2016)
excel_to_listRead Data from Excel
fevdForecast Error Variance Decomposition
fittedExtract Fitted Values of Bayesian GVAR
get_shockinfoCreate 'shockinfo' argument
gfevdGeneralized Forecast Error Variance Decomposition
hdHistorical Decomposition
irfImpulse Response Function
list_to_matrixConvert Input List to Matrix
logLikExtract Log-likelihood of Bayesian GVAR
lpsCompute Log-Predictive Scores
matrix_to_listConvert Input Matrix to List
monthlyDataMonthly EU / G8 countries macroeconomic dataset
plotGraphical Summary of Output Created with 'bgvar'
resid.corr.testResidual Autocorrelation Test
residualsExtract Residuals of Bayesian GVAR
rmseCompute Root Mean Squared Errors
summarySummary of Bayesian GVAR
testdataExample data set to show functionality of the package
vcovExtract Variance-covariance Matrix of Bayesian GVAR
BGVAR documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:06 a.m.