BayesSampling: Bayes Linear Estimators for Finite Population

Allows the user to apply the Bayes Linear approach to finite population with the Simple Random Sampling - BLE_SRS() - and the Stratified Simple Random Sampling design - BLE_SSRS() - (both without replacement), to the Ratio estimator (using auxiliary information) - BLE_Ratio() - and to categorical data - BLE_Categorical(). The Bayes linear estimation approach is applied to a general linear regression model for finite population prediction in BLE_Reg() and it is also possible to achieve the design based estimators using vague prior distributions. Based on Gonçalves, K.C.M, Moura, F.A.S and Migon, H.S.(2014) <>.

Package details

AuthorPedro Soares Figueiredo [aut, cre] (<>), Kelly C. M. Gonçalves [aut, ths] (<>)
MaintainerPedro Soares Figueiredo <>
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

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BayesSampling documentation built on May 2, 2021, 1:06 a.m.