Man pages for CICA
Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis

CICACICA: Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis
clusfRandom clustering generation
computeRVmatCompute modified RV matrix
ConcDataConcatenate datablocks into list determined by cluster labels
embed_papayaEmbed images with Papaya
ExtractICAExtract Group ICA parameters
FindRationalStartsPlot method for rstarts object
GenerateRandomClusteringGenerate random clustering
GenRanStartsGenerate random starts
get_papaya_versionGet Papaya Version
LirCompute loss per data matrix using multivariate regression
loadNIfTIsLoad Nifti files from directory
matcherMatch components between cluster specific spatial maps
matcher.CICAMatch components between cluster specific spatial maps
modRVThe modified-RV coefficient
mpinvMoore Penrose inverse
papayaView images with Papaya
papaya_divPapaya Div element output
pass_papayaView images with Papaya
perturbationPerturbate a clustering
plot.CICAPlot method for CICA
plot.ModSelPlot method for sequential model selection
ReclusRecluster based on cluster specific components
SearchEmptyClustersSearch for empty clusters
SequentialScreeSequential Model Selection for Multiple CICA model
Sim_CICASimulate CICA data
Sr_to_niftiConvert Cluster specific independent components to NIFTI...
summary.CICASummary method for class CICA
summary.MultipleCICASummary method for class MultipleCICA
update_papaya_buildUpdate Papaya build version from GitHub
xscaleScale data blocks to have an equal sum of squares
CICA documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.