Man pages for CLAST
Exact Confidence Limits after a Sequential Trial

CLAST-packageConfidence Limits After Sequential Trial Exact Confidence...
CP.lowerCalculates Clopper-Pearson lower limit
CP.stats.SMCalculates all possible Clopper-Pearson limits.
CP.upperCalculates Clopper-Pearson upper limit
crossSpecial combination of Matrix and Vector
errors.SMExact error rates of specified sequential design
exact.lower.limits.SMCalculates all exact lower limits.
exact.upper.limits.SMCalculates all exact upper limits.
inferenceExact limits from outcome
JT.rank.SMCalculates Jennison & Turnbull ranking of sample space
LR.lowerCalculates likelihood ratio based lower limit
LR.stats.SMCalculates all possible LR limits.
LR.upperCalculates likelihood ratio based upper limit
ML.rank.SMMaximum likelihood estimator of p.
mv.plots.SMDiagnostic mean values plots.
mv.SMMean value of upper limits. space for given sequential design.
prob.SMProbability of sufficient statistics (S,M).
RANKProduces ranks of entries of vector
sample.spaceSample space enumeration (K>2) space enumeration (K=2) space enumeration
CLAST documentation built on April 8, 2022, 9:06 a.m.