Man pages for ContourFunctions
Create Contour Plots from Data or a Function

cfMake contour plot from data or function
cf_4dimPlot 2D contour slices of four dimensional functions
cf_dataContour plot from data
cf_funcMakes filled contour plot from function
cf_gridCreate a contour plot from a grid of data
cf_highdimPlot 2D contour slices of higher dimensional functions
cm.colors.strongStrong version of cm.colors color palette
csaClose all open screens
eval_over_grid_with_batchEvaluate function over grid of points
gcfMake contour plot from data or function using ggplot2
gcf_dataContour plot from data
gcf_funcMakes filled contour plot from function
gcf_gridCreate contour plot from grid data using ggplot2
multicolor.titleMakes plot title using specified colors for the text
text_plotMake a plot with only text
ContourFunctions documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:47 p.m.