Man pages for CopulaInference
Estimation and Goodness-of-Fit of Copula-Based Models with Arbitrary Distributions

AuxFunAuxiliary functions
AuxFunCAuxiliary functions using C
BiEmpCdfEmpirical bivariate cdf
bootstrapfunFunction to perform parametric bootstrap for goodness-of-fit...
CdfInvQuantile function
dncsDensity of non-central squared copula
dplacDensity of Plackett copula
EmpCdfEmpirical univariate cdf
EstBiCopParameter estimation for bivariate copula-based models with...
EstDepKendall's tau and Spearman's rho
est_optionsOptions for the estimation of the parameters of bivariate...
FinvQuantile function of margins
fnumberFamily number corresponding to VineCopula package
GofBiCopGoodness-of-fit for bivariate copula-based models with...
hncsConditional distribution of non-central squared copula
hplacConditional distribution of Plackett copula
identifiabilityIdentifiability of two-parameter copula families
pncsCdf for non-central squared copula
pplacCdf for Plackett copula
preparedataComputes unique values, cdf and pdf
rhoplackettSpearman's rho for Plackett copula
rncsSimulation of non-central squared copula
rplacGenerates observations from the Plackett copula
simgumbelSimulated data
statcvmGoodness-of-fit statistics
taucopKendall's tau for a copula family
tauplackettKendall's tau for Plackettfamily
CopulaInference documentation built on April 21, 2023, 9:07 a.m.