Man pages for CytOpT
Optimal Transport for Gating Transfer in Cytometry Data with Domain Adaptation

barplot_propFunction to display a bland plot in order to visually assess...
Bland_AltmanBland & Altman plot
CytOpTFunction to estimate the type cell proportions in an...
cytopt_desasc_rFunction to estimate the type cell proportions in an...
cytopt_minmax_rFunction to estimate the type cell proportions in an...
HIPC_StanfordHIPC_Stanford data
KL_plotKullback-Leibler divergence plot
Label_Prop_sto_rComputes a classification on the target data
plot.CytOptCytOpt plot
print.CytOptCytOpt print
print.summary.CytOptCytOpt print summary
summary.CytOptCytOpt summary
CytOpT documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 1:07 a.m.