Man pages for DGVM3D
3D Forest Simulation Visualization Tool

dgvm3d.optionsset some variables used in cascading functions
DGVM3D-package3D Forest Simulation Visualization Tool
dgvm3d.successionVegetation timeseries data from 1860-2005
establishTreespoplulate a patch with its vegetation
fire3Dadd Fire to the stand or succession
getConecalculate a cone
getEllipsoidCalculate an ellipsoid
getFlameGet the shape of a single flame
getHexagonCalculate a 3D hexagon
grass3DPlant the grass on the patch
initStandInitialize the model Stand
Patch-classOne model patch
plant3DPlant the trees of an already created patch/stand
random.discRandom distribution in a circle
read.LPJPrepare the output table from LPJ-GUESS for visualization
row.discrow-wise distribution of points in a disc
snapshotVisualize a snapshot of patches.
stand3D3D view of the stands
Stand-classOne model stand consisting of several patches
successioncreate a temporal succession
sunflower.discreturn the positions
sunflower.radiusCalc the current radius
tree3Ddraw a single tree
TriangBody-classa Information to draw a triangular object
triClosefill a polygon (number of vertices) with triangles
updateStandRemove/add trees with a new vegetation data.frame
DGVM3D documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:47 p.m.