Man pages for DTAT
Dose Titration Algorithm Tuning

as_d3_data-DE-methodConvert a DE object to JSON
de.bioRxiv.240846Simulated '3+3/PC' dose-titration study from bioRxiv paper...
DE-classAn S4 class for simulating dose-titration study designs
dose.survfitCalculate a dose-survival curve from a dose titration study,...
dose.survivalExtract interval-censored dose tolerance data from a dose...
ds.curveExtract the dose-survival curve, with its upper and lower...
dtat1000Precomputed neutrophil-guided chemotherapy dose titration for...
DTAT-packageDose Titration Algorithm Tuning: a Framework for Dose...
newton.raphsonA dose titration algorithm (DTA) 'factory' based on the...
Onoue.FribergPOMP PK/PD model for docetaxel, combining Onoue et al (2016)...
plot-DE-missing-methodPlot a DE object as an interactive htmlwidget
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
runDTATappRun Shiny apps included in package DTAT
scaledPower-law scaling for doses
seq.functionA seq method supporting custom-scaled plot axes.
simEnvironment for simulation global variables.
titratePerform neutrophil-guided dose titration of a chemotherapy...
titrationSimulate a '3+3/PC' dose-titration trial
DTAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:10 a.m.