Man pages for DescrTab2
Publication Quality Descriptive Statistics Tables whether a vector (usually a factor) can be cleanly...
codegen_load_all_sas_dataCreate code to load all SAS datasets in a folder.
create_character_subtableFunction to create (a part of a) nicely formatted table
create_numeric_subtableFunction to create (a part of a) nicely formatted table
descrCalculate descriptive statistics
dot-onLoadLoad LaTeX packages
escape_latex_symbolsEscape LaTeX Symbols
extract_labelsExtract the label attribute from data
farrington.manningFarrington-Manning test for rate difference
format_freqsFormatting function for absolute and relative frequencies
guess_ID_variableMake an educated guess about the name of the ID variable from... but without an error for unused arguments
in_minipageWrap cell text in minipage LaTeX environment with stretchy...
knit_print.DescrListS3 override for knit_print function for DescrList objects.
knit_print.DescrPrintS3 override for knit_print function for DescrPrint objects.
lapply_descrConvenience function to apply descr to a list of datasets and...
list_freetext_markdownCreate a markdown listing from a character dataset
n_int_digitsDigits before decimal -1
parse_formatsParse a text file containing format information
print.DescrListS3 override for print function for DescrList objects.
print.DescrPrintS3 override for print function for DescrPrint objects
print_test_namesPrints all possible tests names
read_redcap_formattedConvencience function to load datasets downloaded from a...
read_sas_formattedConvencience function to load SAS datasets
sigfigFormat number to a specified number of digits, considering...
sigfig_genGenerator function for nice formatting functions
sig_testCalculates a statistical significance test
split_redcap_datasetSplit a dataset imported from Redcap into convenient subsets
unlabelRemove the label attribute from data
write_in_tmpfile_for_cranFunction that returns true in CRAN submission
DescrTab2 documentation built on Sept. 6, 2022, 9:05 a.m.