Man pages for FDRsampsize
Compute Sample Size that Meets Requirements for Average Power and FDR

afdrCompute the anticipated FDR
alpha.fdrFind the fixed p-value threshold that controls the FDR at a...
alpha.powerFind the p-value threshold that gives a specified average...
average.powerCompute average power for a given sample size
fdr.powerCompute the average power at a specific FDR control level
fdr.sampsizeDetermine sample size required to achieve a desired average...
FDRsampsize-packageAn R package to Perform Power and Sample Size Calculations...
n.fdrFind the sample size that meets desired FDR and power...
pi.starCompute the anticipated null proportion estimate
power.coxCompute the power of a single-predictor Cox regression model
power.hartCompute Power for RNA-seq Experiments Assuming Negative...
power.liCompute Power for RNA-Seq Experiments Assuming Poisson...
power.onesamptCompute power of the one-sample t-test
power.onewayCompute power of one-way ANOVA
power.ranksumCompute power of the rank-sum test
power.signtestCompute power of the sign test
power.tcorrCompute Power of the t-test for non-zero correlation
power.twosamptCompute power of the two-samples t-test
FDRsampsize documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:14 a.m.