Man pages for FSMUMI
Imputation of Time Series Based on Fuzzy Logic

compute.edEuclidean distance (ED)
compute.fbFractional Bias (FB)
compute.fsdFraction of Standard Deviation (FSD)
compute.rmseRoot Mean Square Error (RMSE)
create.MyfisBuilding a fuzzy inference system
Creating_gapsCreating gaps in multivariate time series
Creating_gap_univariateCreating a gap in a univariate series
dataFSMUMIAn example of a multivariate times series having three...
evalfisFIS evaluation
fbsmGlobal threshold for missing data imputation
Finding_fuzzy_based_global_thresholdGlobal threshold based on fuzzy-weighted similarity threshold
Finding_fuzzy_based_similar_windowsFinding the similar windows using based on fuzzy-weighted...
FSMUMImputationImputing large gaps based on the new fuzzy-weighted...
FSMUMI-packageImputation of Time Series Based on Fuzzy Logic
imp_1NACompleting isolated missing points (1NA)
imp_small_gaps_WMACompleting small gaps that their sizes belong to...
Indexes_size_missingIndexes and sizes of gaps
FSMUMI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:40 p.m.