Man pages for FieldSimR
Simulation of Plot Errors and Phenotypes in Plant Breeding Field Trials

compsym_asr_inputSimulate genetic values based on a compound symmetry model...
compsym_asr_outputSimulate genetic values based on a compound symmetry model...
error_df_bivarPlot errors - Example data frame
field_trial_errorSimulate plot errors in plant breeding field trials
group_cor_matSimulate a reduced rank correlation matrix with multiple...
gv_df_unstrGenetic values - Example data frame
make_phenotypesGenerate phenotypes - Combine genetic values and plot errors
multi_asr_inputSimulate genetic values based on a multiplicative model for...
multi_asr_outputSimulate genetic values based on a multiplicative model for...
plot_effectsGraphics for plot effects
plot_histHistogram of values
plot_matrixGraphics for matrices
qq_plotQ-Q plot
rand_cor_matSimulate a random correlation matrix
rand_diag_matSimulate a random diagonal variance matrix
sample_metSample environments from a target population
sample_variogramSample variogram
skew_diag_matSimulate a skewed diagonal variance matrix
struc_cor_matSimulate a structured correlation matrix with reduced rank
theoretical_variogramTheoretical variogram
unstr_asr_inputSimulate genetic values based on an unstructured model for...
unstr_asr_outputSimulate genetic values based on an unstructured model for...
FieldSimR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:39 p.m.