Man pages for GARCHSK
Estimating a GARCHSK Model and GJRSK Model

garchsk_constructThis function constructs GARCHSK model of given data and...
garchsk_estThis function estimates GARCHSK model's parameters.
garchsk_fcstThis function forcasts conditional mean,variance,skewness and...
garchsk_ineqfunThis function is inequality equation of GARCHSK parameters...
garchsk_likThis function calculates the log-likelihood of GARCHSK model.
GBPGBP/USD exchange rate from 1990-01-03 to 2002-5-3 from...
gjrsk_constructThis function constructs GJRSK model of given data and...
gjrsk_estThis function estimates GJRSK model's parameters.
gjrsk_fcstThis function forcasts conditional mean,variance,skewness and...
gjrsk_ineqfunThis function is inequality equation of GJRSK parameters used...
gjrsk_likThis function calculates the log-likelihood of GJRSK model.
kurtosisThis function calculates kurtosis of given data.
skewnessThis function calculates skewness of given data.
GARCHSK documentation built on July 22, 2021, 9:08 a.m.