Man pages for GPvecchia
Scalable Gaussian-Process Approximations

calculate_posterior_VLVecchia Laplace extension of GPVecchia for non-Gaussian data
createLcreate the sparse triangular L matrix for specific parameters
createUcreate the sparse triangular U matrix for specific parameters
getMatCovextract the required elements from the covariance matrix
getMatCovFromFactorCppCalculate the covariance values required by HV for matrix...
GPvecchiaGPvecchia: fast, scalable Gaussian process approximations
ic0Incomplete Cholesky decomposition of a sparse matrix passed...
icholWrapper for incomplete Cholesky decomposition
MaternFunCalculate Matern covariance function
order_coordinateSorted coordinate ordering
order_dist_to_pointDistance to specified point ordering
order_maxmin_exactMaximum minimum distance ordering
order_maxmin_exact_obs_predMaximum minimum distance ordering for prediction
order_middleoutMiddle-out ordering
order_outsideinOutside-in ordering
SelInvselected inverse of a sparse matrix
V2covmatcompute covariance matrix from V.ord Do not run this function...
vecchia_estimateestimate mean and covariance parameters of a Matern...
vecchia_laplace_likelihoodWrapper for VL version of vecchia_likelihood
vecchia_laplace_likelihood_from_posteriorWrapper for VL version of vecchia_likelihood
vecchia_laplace_predictionWrapper for VL version of vecchia_prediction
vecchia_likelihoodevaluation of the likelihood
vecchia_lincomblinear combination of predictions compute the distribution of...
vecchia_predmake spatial predictions using Vecchia based on estimated...
vecchia_predictionVecchia prediction
vecchia_specifyspecify a general vecchia approximation
GPvecchia documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:13 a.m.