Man pages for GREENeR
Geospatial Regression Equation for European Nutrient Losses (GREEN)

aggregate_loopAggregate loop
annual_data_TNAnnual data TN
annual_data_TPAnnual data TP
append_empty_colsAppend empty columns
calculate_shreveCalculate shreve
calib_boxplotBoxplot of best parameters
calib_dotDot plot of goodness-of-fit metric vs parameter value
calib_greenCalibration of the GREEN model
calib_green_helpParallel calibration help function
catch_data_TNCatch data TN
catch_data_TPCatch data TP
check_colnames_annualCheck colnames
check_colnames_catchCheck colnames catch_data
check_yearsCheck years
compare_calibPlot comparing observed vs modeled loads for two set of...
create_levelsCreate levels
create_lits_of_mapsPreprocessing data for scenario summary
create_mapCreate map
evolution_plotEvolution plot
evolution_plot_areaEvolution plot area
gr_density_plotDensity plot
GREENeR-packageGREENeR: Geospatial Regression Equation for European Nutrient...
green_sharesGeospatial Regression Equation parallel execution returning...
input_mapsMap average load input by source
input_plotPlot input load by source
input_TserieTime series of annual load inputs by source
input_Tserie_areaTime series of annual load inputs by source and km2
LakeRetent_plotLake retention values summary
launch_greenGREEN execution
load_mapLoad DA map
load_SA_mapLoad SA map
multiple_mapMultiple Map
N4_sankeyNutrient balance flow plot
nutrient_mapsMap average load output by source
nutrient_tserieOutput load time series plot
nutrient_tserie_dareaOutput load time series plot
read_geometryRead geometry
read_NSdataRead NS data
references_plotReference summary plot
region_nut_balanceNutrient balance based in the application of the Geospatial...
scatter_plotScatter plot of goodness-of-fit metric vs parameters
select_paramsSelection of best calibration parameters
sh_fileSh file
simobs_annual_plotFacet year plot
GREENeR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:18 a.m.