Man pages for HDclust
Clustering High Dimensional Data with Hidden Markov Model on Variable Blocks

clustControlParameters for MBM clustering algorithm.
clustModesHierarchical clustering of density modes
getBdimAccessor for 'bdim' slot
getBICAccessor for 'BIC' slot.
getClsidAccessor for 'clsid' slot.
getClustParamAccessor for 'clustParam' slot.
getDiagCovAccessor for 'diagCov' slot.
getDimAccessor for 'dim' slot
getHmmChainAccessor for 'HmmChain' slot.
getHmmParamAccessor for parameters of HMM
getLoglikehdAccessor for 'Loglikehd' slot.
getNbAccessor for 'nb' slot
getNumstAccessor for 'numst' slot
getOptHMMVBAccessor for 'optHMMVB' slot.
getPrenumstAccessor for 'prenumst' slot
getSizeAccessor for 'size' slot.
getVarorderAccessor for 'varorder' slot
getVbAccessor for 'VbStructure' slot.
HDclust-packageClustering high dimensional data with Hidden Markov Model on...
hmmMake an instance of "HMM" class.
HMM-classClass "HMM" to represent parameters associated with a...
hmmvbBICBIC for HMM-VB
HMMVBBIC-classClass "HMMVBBIC" to represent results of HMM-VB model...
HMMVB-classClass "HMMVB" to represent a Hidden Markov Model on Variable...
hmmvbClustCluster data with HMM-VB
HMMVBclust-classClass "HMMVBclust" to represent clustering results with...
hmmvbFindModesFind density modes with HMM-VB
hmmvbTrainTrain HMM-VB
mkhmmvbMake an instance of "HMMVB" class.
sim2Synthetic dataset used in section 5.1.2 of the reference...
sim3Synthetic dataset used in section 5.1.3 of the reference...
trainControlParameters for HMM-VB training.
vbMake an instance of class "VB"
VB-classClass "VB" to represent a variable block structure.
vbSearchControlParameters for variable block structure search.
HDclust documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:09 p.m.