Man pages for HonestDiD
Robust Inference in Difference-in-Differences and Event Study Designs

basisVectorCreates a standard basis vector.
BCdata_EventStudyEvent study estimates from baseline event study specification...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaRMComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaRMBComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaRMMComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDBComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDMComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMBComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMMComputes conditional and hybridized confidence set for Delta...
constructOriginalCSConstructs original confidence interval for parameter of...
createEventStudyPlotConstructs event study plot
createSensitivityPlotConstructs sensitivity plot for Delta = Delta^{SD}(M),...
createSensitivityPlot_relativeMagnitudesConstructs sensitivity plot for Delta = Delta^{RM}(Mbar),...
createSensitivityResultsConstructs robust confidence intervals for Delta =...
createSensitivityResults_relativeMagnitudesConstructs robust confidence intervals for Delta =...
DeltaSD_lowerBound_MpreConstruct lower bound for M for Delta = Delta^{SD}(M) based...
DeltaSD_upperBound_MpreConstruct upper bound for M for Delta = Delta^{SD}(M) based...
findOptimalFLCIConstructs optimal fixed length confidence interval for Delta...
LWdata_EventStudyEvent study estimates from baseline female specification on...
HonestDiD documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:40 p.m.