Man pages for HybridMicrobiomes
Analysis of Host-Associated Microbiomes from Hybrid Organisms

FourHbootstrapBootstraps of the incidence-based 4H Index
FourHbootstrapABootstraps of the abundance-based 4H Index
FourHcentroidCentroid of bootstrapped 4H-indices
FourHcompareTests whether multiple systems have significantly different...
FourHnullBootstrapped null models of the 4H-index
FourHnullplaneNull Plane
FourHnullplaneDBootstrap Distribution Around the Null Plane
FourHpreanalysisBootstraps of the percentage of gamma diversity that is core
FourHquaternaryPlot bootstrapped 4H-indices
FourHquaternaryCPlot centroid of bootstrapped 4H-indices
HybridMicrobiomes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.