arl | ARL for Lucas's Cusum Chart for Attribute Data |
DrugI | Drug Impurities data - Phase I |
DrugIn | Drug Impurities data - Phase II |
Frame | Example multivariate data |
GVcontrol | Control Chart for the generalized variance |S| |
Lowry | Phase I multivariate data from Lowry, Woodall, Champ and... |
MEWMA | Multivariate EWMA Control Chart |
Ryan92 | Phase I multivariate data from Ryan's Table 9.2 |
Sample | Phase I multivariate data from Ryan's Table 9.2 |
x1 | Phase I data for exercise 7 Chapt 6 |
x2 | Phase II data for exercise 7 Chapt 6 |
Xnew | Phase II for Ryan's Table 9.2 |
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