Man pages for JFE
Tools for Analyzing Time Series Data of Just Finance and Econometrics

ActivePremiumActive Premium or Active Return
AdjustedSharpeRatioAdjusted Sharpe ratio of the return distribution
AppraisalRatioAppraisal ratio of the return distribution
BernardoLedoitRatioBernardo and Ledoit ratio of the return distribution
BurkeRatioBurke ratio of the return distribution
CalmarRatiocalculate a Calmar or Sterling reward/risk ratio Calmar and...
CAPM.jensenAlphaJensen's alpha of the return distribution
data-setsData Sets
DownsideDeviationdownside risk (deviation, variance) of the return...
DRatiod ratio of the return distribution
DrawdownPeakDrawdawn peak of the return distribution
durbinHcalculate Sortino Ratio of performance over downside risk
getBISDownload time series data from Bank of International...
getFedDownload financial and economic time series data from the Fed
getFrench.FactorsDownload seven asset pricing factors data from the data...
getFrench.PortfoliosDownload 24 asset pricing factors data from the data library...
InformationRatioInformationRatio = ActivePremium/TrackingError
KellyRatiocalculate Kelly criterion ratio (leverage or bet size) for a...
M2SortinoM squared for Sortino of the return distribution
MartinRatioMartin ratio of the return distribution
maxDrawdowncaclulate the maximum drawdown from peak equity
MeanAbsoluteDeviationMean absolute deviation of the return distribution
OmegaSharpeRatioOmega-Sharpe ratio of the return distribution
PainIndexPain index of the return distribution
PainRatioPain ratio of the return distribution
ProspectRatioProspect ratio of the return distribution
Return.annualizedcalculate an annualized return for comparing instruments with...
SharpeRatiocalculate a traditional or modified Sharpe Ratio of Return...
SharpeRatio.annualizedcalculate annualized Sharpe Ratio
SkewnessKurtosisRatioSkewness-Kurtosis ratio of the return distribution
SortinoRatiocalculate Sortino Ratio of performance over downside risk
table.AnnualizedReturnsAnnualized Returns Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts
TrackingErrorCalculate Tracking Error of returns against a benchmark
TreynorRatiocalculate Treynor Ratio or modified Treynor Ratio of excess...
UlcerIndexcalculate the Ulcer Index
VolatilitySkewnessVolatility and variability of the return distribution
JFE documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:36 a.m.