Man pages for MKinfer
Inferential Statistics

0MKinfer-packageInferential Statistics.
baplotBland-Altman Plots
binomCIConfidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions
binomDiffCIConfidence Intervals for Difference of Two Binomial...
boot.t.testBootstrap t-Test
cvCIConfidence Intervals for Coefficient of Variation
fingsysSystolic Blood Pressure Dataset used in Bland and Altman...
hsu.t.testHsu Two-Sample t-Test
imputeSDImpute Standard Deviations for Changes from Baseline
mi.t.testMultiple Imputation Student's t-Test
mi.wilcox.testMultiple Imputation Wilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests
mpe.t.testIntersection-Union t-Test for Testing Multiple Co-Primary...
mpe.z.testIntersection-Union z-Test for Testing Multiple Co-Primary...
normCIConfidence Intervals for Mean and Standard Deviation
normDiffCIConfidence Intervals for Difference of Means
p2sesCompute SES from p value.
pairwise.ext.t.testCompute Pairwise t Tests
pairwiseFunCompute pairwise values for a given function
pairwise.wilcox.exactCompute Pairwise Wilcoxon Tests
perm.t.testPermutation t-Test
print.mpe.testPrint Method for MPE Hypothesis Test
quantileCIConfidence Intervals for Quantiles
rm.oneway.testTest for Equal Means in a Repeated Measures One-Way Layout
volcanoVolcano Plots
MKinfer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:13 a.m.