Man pages for MM2S
Single-Sample Classifier of Medulloblastoma Subtypes for Medulloblastoma Patient Samples, Mouse Models, and Cell Lines

GTML_Mouse_PredsTable of Pre-computed MM2S Predictions for 32 replicates of...
Human_Cho_ExprGene Expression data from selected samples of the Human CHO...
MM2S.humanMM2S Prediction of Human Medulloblastoma Samples
MM2S.mouseMM2S Prediction of Mouse Medulloblastoma Samples
MM2SsetupMM2S ssGSEA Training Matrix, MB Sample Group information for...
PCARenderPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) Projections of ssGSEA Rank...
PredictionsBarplotStacked Barplot of MM2S Subtype Predictions for Given Samples
PredictionsDistributionBoxplotBoxplot of MM2S Subtype Predictions for Given Samples
PredictionsDistributionPieHeatmap of MM2S Subtype Predictions for Given Samples
PredictionsHeatmapHeatmap of MM2S Subtype Predictions for Given Samples
WNT_Mouse_ExprGene Expression data pertaining to the GMTL mouse mode
MM2S documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:29 p.m.