Man pages for MiRNAQCD
Micro-RNA Quality Control and Diagnosis

miRNA_assessQualityThresholdAssessment of quality threshold values.
miRNA_classifierSetupAnalysis of features and training of classifiers.
miRNA_diagnosisClassification of a dataset (diagnosis).
miRNA_expressionPreprocessingPre-processing of datasets.
miRNA_loadDiagnosticThresholdLoad diagnostic threshold values.
miRNA_loadQualityThresholdLoad quality threshold values.
miRNA_plotHistogramsPlot of classifier distribution histograms (Target and...
miRNA_plotROCPlot of classifier ROC curve.
miRNA_plotThresholdsPlot of scores and thresholds of a Bayes classifier.
miRNA_removeOutliersRemoval of dataset outliers.
MiRNAQCD documentation built on May 2, 2023, 9:15 a.m.