Man pages for NetSimR
Actuarial Functions for Non-Life Insurance Modelling

apply_deductible_limitApply a deductible and limit to claims
apply_severity_capApply severity cap function
distributionClass-classThe class of the distribution objects
distribution_fitting_tool_ServerServer function for the Distribution Fitting tool application
distribution_fitting_tool_UIUI file for the Shiny glm fitting tool
dSlicedGammaParetoThe probability density function (pdf) of a Sliced Gamma...
dSlicedLNormParetoThe probability density function (pdf) of a Sliced LogNormal...
erfError function
ExposureCurveGammaExposure Curve from a Gamma severity distribution
ExposureCurveLNormExposure Curve from LogNormal a severity distribution
ExposureCurveParetoExposure Curve from a Pareto severity distribution
ExposureCurveSlicedGammaParetoExposure Curve from a Sliced Gamma Pareto severity...
ExposureCurveSlicedLNormParetoExposure Curve from a Sliced LogNormal Pareto severity...
freq_dist_optionsA vector with the frequency distribution objects
freq_dist_parameter_placeholdersA data frame with the frequency distribution parameter...
GammaCappedMeanGamma capped mean
GLMFittingToolServerServer function for the GLM Fitting tool application
GLMFittingToolUIUI file for the Shiny glm fitting tool
IGammaLower incomplete gamma function
ILFGammaIncreased Limit Factor Curve from a Gamma severity...
ILFLNormIncreased Limit Factor Curve from a LogNormal severity...
ILFParetoIncreased Limit Factor Curve from a Pareto severity...
ILFSlicedGammaParetoIncreased Limit Factor Curve from a Sliced Gamma Pareto...
ILFSlicedLNormParetoIncreased Limit Factor Curve from a Sliced LogNormal Pareto...
LNormCappedMeanLognormal capped mean
max_number_of_pareto_slicesParameter to set the maximum number of pareto slices
NetSimRNetSimR: A non-life insurance package for computating various...
ParetoCappedMeanPareto capped mean
ParetoCappedMeanCalcPareto capped mean intermediary calculation
pSlicedGammaParetoThe cumulative density function (cdf) of a Sliced...
pSlicedLNormParetoThe cumulative density function (cdf) of a Sliced LogNormal...
PureIBNRGammaPure IBNR exposure from a Gamma reporting delay distribution
PureIBNRLNormPure IBNR exposure from a LogNormal reporting delay...
qSlicedGammaParetoThe inverse cumulative density function of a Sliced Gamma...
qSlicedLNormParetoThe inverse cumulative density function of a Sliced LogNormal...
reinsurance_structures_optionsA vector with the reinsurance structure options
rparetoRandom Pareto generator
run_shiny_distribution_fitting_toolA function to run the glm fitting tool application
run_shiny_glm_fitting_toolA function to run the glm fitting tool application
run_shiny_simulatorA function to run the shiny simulator application
sev_dist_optionsA vector with the severity distribution objects
sev_dist_parameter_placeholdersA data frame with the severity distribution parameter...
shiny_simulator_serverServer function for the Shiny Simulator application
shiny_simulator_uiUI file for the Shiny GLM Fitting Tool
simulate_functionA function to simulate frequency - severity of insurance...
SlicedGammaParetoCappedMeanSliced Gamma Pareto capped mean
SlicedGammaParetoMeanSliced Gamma Pareto mean
SlicedLNormParetoCappedMeanSliced LogNormal Pareto capped mean
SlicedLNormParetoMeanSliced LogNormal Pareto mean
NetSimR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:11 a.m.