Man pages for OralOpioids
Retrieving Oral Opioid Information

BrandGet the Brand name from Health Canada by using the DIN or NDC
load_FDA_Opioid_TableObtain the latest Opioid data from the FDA
load_HealthCanada_Opioid_TableObtain the latest Opioid data from Health Canada
load_Opioid_TableObtain the latest Opioid data
MEDGet the Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED) by using the DIN or...
MED_50Maximum number of units/millilitres of oral opioids allowed...
MED_90Maximum number of units/millilitres of oral opioids allowed...
OpioidGet the Opioid content from Health Canada by using the DIN or...
OralOpioidsOralOpioids: Obtain the latest information on Morphine...
pipePipe operator
OralOpioids documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:54 a.m.