Man pages for PERMANOVA
Multivariate Analysis of Variance Based on Distances and Permutations

AddClusterToBiplotAdd Clusters to a Biplot Object
BinaryVectorCheckChecks if a vector is binary
BiplotVarDraws a variable on a biplot
BootDisMANOVAMultivariate Analysis of Variance based on Distances and...
BootDistCanonicalAnalysisCanonical Analysis based on Distances
Circle2Draws a circle.
ConcEllipseNon-parametric concentration ellipses
ConstructContrastsConstruction of contrasts for several factors
CumsumCumulative sums
DistBinaryDistances for binary data
DistContinuousDistances among individuals with continuous data
DlinesConnects two sets of points by lines
FactorToBinaryConverts a Factor into its indicator matrix
GetScalesBiplotCalculates the scales for the variables on a linear biplot
GinvG inverse
inboxChecks if a point is inside a box
IniTransformInitial transformation of a data matrix
MANOVAMultivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
MANOVA.EstimationEstimation of the MANOVA parameters.
mgcMixture Gaussian Clustering
OnesMatrix of ones
PERMANOVA.EstimationEstimation of the PERMANOVA parameters
PerMANOVA.SimplePERMANOVA from a matrix of distancies
plot.BootCanonAnalysisPlots the principal coordinates of the group centers and the...
PlotClustersBiplotPlot clusters on a biplot.
plot.ellipsePlot a concentration ellipse
plot.MANOVAPlots the results of a MANOVA Biplot
plot.MANOVA.BiplotPlots the results of a MANOVA Biplot
plot.PERMANOVAPlots the results of the PERMANOVA function
PostHocCompPost Hoc pairwise comparisons
ProcrustesSimpleSimple Procrustes Analysis
spidersHunting Spiders Data
spidersbHunting Spiders Data
summary.BootDisMANOVASummarizes the results of a Bootstrap Manova based on...
TextSmartLabels of a Scatter
wineWine data
ZerosMatrix of zeros
PERMANOVA documentation built on Sept. 6, 2021, 5:07 p.m.