Man pages for QuantTools
Enhanced Quantitative Trading Modelling

add_last_valuesAdd last values marks to the right of active time series plot
add_legendAdd legend to active time series plot
back_testGeneric back test function
bbandsBollinger Bands
bwCheck if values are between specified interval
calc_decimal_resolutionCalculate decimal resolution
cpp_BBandsC++ Bollinger Bands class
cpp_CandleC++ Candle class
cpp_CostC++ Trading Commissions class
cpp_CrossoverC++ Crossover class
cpp_EmaC++ Exponential Moving Average class
cpp_IndicatorC++ Indicator Base class
cpp_OrderC++ Order class
cpp_ProcessorC++ Processor class
cpp_RollLinRegC++ Rolling Linear Regression class
cpp_RollPercentRankC++ Rolling Percent Rank class
cpp_RollRangeC++ Rolling Range / Quantile class
cpp_RollSdC++ Rolling Standard Deviation class
cpp_RollVolumeProfileC++ Rolling Volume Profile class
cpp_RsiC++ Relative Strength Index class
cpp_SmaC++ Simple Moving Average class
cpp_StochasticC++ Stochastic class
cpp_TickC++ Tick class
distinct_colorsDistinct colors vector
dofDo calculation on data.table excluding first column
emaExponential Moving Average
empty_plotPlot empty plot
gen_futures_codesGenerate futures contract codes and schedule between dates
get_market_dataDownload historical market data
hist_dtPlot histogram of data.table by columns
iroundRound numbers to specified interval
lapply_namedlapply which returns named list
lines_ohlcAdd candles to active time series plot
lines_stacked_histAdd stacked histogram to active time series plot
lmergeMerge list of data.frames into data.table by key column
multi_heatmapMulti Dimensional Heat Map
na_locfLast Observation Carried Forward
plot_dtsPlot data.table time series
plot_tablePlot data.table as table
plot_tsPlot time series !PLEASE USE plot_dts!
returnsCalculate returns
roll_futuresCombine multiple futures market data into continuous contract
roll_lmRolling Linear Regression
roll_percent_rankRolling Percent Rank
roll_rangeRolling Range
roll_sdRolling Standard Deviation
roll_sd_filterRolling Filter
roll_volume_profileRolling Volume Profile
round_POSIXctRound POSIXct timestamps
rsiRelative Strength Index
settingsQuantTools settings
smaSimple Moving Average
store_market_dataStore historical market data
ticksExample intraday tick data
to_candlesConvert ticks to candles
to_ticksConvert candles to ticks
to_UTCConvert time zone to 'UTC' without changing value
woSelect values in one vector not present in another
QuantTools documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 7:54 p.m.