Man pages for RMixpanel
API for Mixpanel

createDateSequenceGenerate And Normalize Sequence Of Dates.
eventsJson2RMatrixConvert Events Exported From Mixpanel API To R Matrix
merge.matrixMerge Two Matrices
mixpanelCreateAccountCreate Mixpanel Account
mixpanelGetAddictionAddiction Report
mixpanelGetDataGeneral Method For Mixpanel API Requests
mixpanelGetEventsGet Events From Mixpanel API
mixpanelGetEventsForProfilesGet Events For Specified Profiles
mixpanelGetEventsFromFilesGet Events From Files
mixpanelGetFunnelListFunnel List
mixpanelGetProfilesGet Profiles From Mixpanel API
mixpanelGetProfilesCountGet Profiles Count From Mixpanel API
mixpanelGetRetentionRetention Report
mixpanelGetSegmentationSegmentation Report
mixpanelJQLQueryQuery the Mixpanel JQL API
mixpanelUpdateProfileUpdate Mixpanel Profile
plot.retentionPlot Retention Rates
print.retentionPrint Retention Matrix
profilesJson2RMatrixConvert Profiles Exported From Mixpanel API To R Matrix.
RMixpanel-packageAPI for Mixpanel
RMixpanel documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:46 p.m.