Man pages for Rcapture
Loglinear Models for Capture-Recapture Experiments

BBS2001Species Richness Data from the North American Breeding Bird...
buntingLazuli Bunting Data
cbirdCatbird Site Occupancy Data
closedpLoglinear Models for Closed Population Capture-Recapture...
closedp.bcBias Correction for Closed Population Loglinear Models
closedpCICustomization of a Loglinear Model and Confidence Interval...
closedp.customCustomization of a Loglinear Model for Closed Populations...
closedpMSHierarchical Loglinear Model Selection in Closed Population...
closedp.MtbClosed Population Capture-Recapture Model Mtb
descriptiveDescriptive Statistics
duckEider Duck Data
hareSnowshoe Hare Data
histposPossible Capture Histories
HIVEpidemiological capture-recapture Data on HIV
illIllegal immigrants in the Netherlands
lesbianEpidemiological capture-recapture Data on the lesbian...
mvoleRobust Design Data for Adult Male Meadow Voles
openpLoglinear Models for Open Population Capture-Recapture...
periodhistMerge capture occasions
profileCIProfile Likelihood Confidence Interval for Abundance...
rbvoleRobust Design Data for Red-Back Voles
Rcapture.packageLoglinear Models for Capture-Recapture Experiments
robustdLoglinear Models for Capture-Recapture Experiments Carried...
uifitClosed Population Models Fit Statistics Concerning the ui
Rcapture documentation built on May 4, 2022, 5:05 p.m.