ADTest | Anderson-Darling Test |
arcsineXform | Arcsine Transformation |
chisqTest | Chi-Square Test |
DPTest | D'agostino Pearson Omnibus Test |
inverseXform | Inverse/Reciprocal Transformation |
JBTest | Jarque-Bera Test |
KSLTest | Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lilliefors Test |
kurtCoeff | Adjusted Fisher-Pearson Excess Sample Kurtosis |
logitXform | Logit/Log-Odds Transformation |
logXform | Logarithmic Transformation |
MasterTest | Master Normality Testing Function |
MasterXform | Master Transformation Function |
popSD | Converts Sample Standard Deviations into Population... |
rankitXform | Rankit Transformation |
Rita | Rita |
skewCoeff | Adjusted Fisher-Pearson Skewness Coefficient with Sample-size... |
squareXform | Square-root Transformation |
SWTest | Shapiro-Wilk Test |
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