Man pages for RiverLoad
Load Estimation of River Compounds with Different Methods

annual.meanAnnual mean of flow records
beale.periodLoad estimation with Beale ratio estimator based on monthly...
beale.ratioLoad estimation with Beale ratio method
conc.data1Concentration dataset of Kaskaskia River
conc.data2Concentration dataset of Sandusky River
conc.data3Dataset with faked concentration records of Adda River
CQregressionRelationship between concentration and flow
daily.meanDaily mean of flow records
db.intersectIntersection of flow and concentration data in a unique data...
db.unionUnion of flow and concentration data in a unique data frame
fergusonLoad estimation with Ferguson rating curve
ferguson.periodLoad estimation with Ferguson method based on monthly or...
flow.data1Dataset of flow record of Kaskskia River
flow.data2Dataset of flow record of Sandusky River
flow.data3Flow record dataset of Adda River
method1Load estimation with time-weighted flow and concentration...
method2Load estimation with discharge-weighted concentration method
method3Load estimation with mean discharge-weighted concentration...
method4Load estimation with time-weighted concentration method
method5Load estimation with time and discharge weighted method
method6Load estimation based on linear interpolation of...
monthly.meanMonthly mean of flow records not differentiated by year
monthly.year.meanMonthly mean of flow records differentiated by year
ratingLoad estimation with log log rating curve
rating.periodLoad estimation with log log rating curve based on monthly or...
reg.inspectionParameters of regression analysis between flow and...
residual.plotResidual plots of one selected component
rsquared.periodCoefficient of determination for period based regression...
RiverLoad documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 5:07 p.m.