Man pages for Rtrack
Spatial Navigation Strategy Analysis

calculate_metricsCalculation of spatial search path metrics.
call_strategyCalculation of search strategies.
check_experimentCheck experiment data.
export_dataExport experiment data to a trackxf file.
export_resultsExport experiment results to a dataframe or file.
identify_track_formatCheck the format of a track file.
plot_densityPlot a path density map.
plot_pathPlot a path.
plot_strategiesPlot water maze strategies.
plot_variablePlot path metrics.
read_arenaRead an arena description.
read_experimentRead experiment data.
read_pathRead path coordinates from raw data formats.
Rtrack-packageRtrack: Spatial Navigation Strategy Analysis
threshold_strategiesSubset an rtrack_strategies object.
Rtrack documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:13 a.m.