Man pages for SAPP
Statistical Analysis of Point Processes

BrastingsThe Occurrence Times Data
eptrenMaximum Likelihood Estimates of Intensity Rates
etarppResidual Point Process of the ETAS Model
etasapMaximum Likelihood Estimates of the ETAS Model
etasimSimulation of Earthquake Dataset Based on the ETAS Model
linlinMaximum Likelihood Estimates of Linear Intensity Models
linsimSimulation of a Self-Exciting Point Process
main2003JUL26The Aftershock Data
momoriMaximum Likelihood Estimates of Parameters in the Omori-Utsu...
pgraphGraphical Outputs for the Point Process Data Set
PoissonDataPoisson Data
PProcessThe Point Process Data
ptspecThe Periodogram of Point Process Data
res2003JUL26The Residual Point Process Data
respoiThe Residual Point Process of the ETAS Model
SAPP-packageStatistical Analysis of Point Processes
SelfExcitSelf-Exciting Point Process Data
simbvhSimulation of Bi-Variate Hawkes' Mutually Exciting Point...
SAPP documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:45 p.m.