Man pages for SchoolDataIT
Retrieve, Harmonise and Map Open Data Regarding the Italian School System

example_AdmUnNames20220630Subset of the administrative codes of municipalities
example_InnerAreasSubset of the school registry in school year 2022/23
example_input_DB23_MIURSubset of the school buildings database in school year...
example_input_nstud23Subset of the students and classes counts in school year...
example_input_Registry23Subset of the school registry in school year 2022/23
example_Invalsi23_provSubset of the Invalsi scores in school year 2022/23
example_Prov22_shpSubset of Italian provinces shapefile
example_School2mun23Association of the municipality code to a subset of public...
Get_AdmUnNamesDownload the names and codes of Italian LAU and NUTS-3...
Get_BroadBandDownload the data regarding the broad band connection...
Get_DB_MIURDownload the database of Italian public schools buildings
Get_InnerAreasDownload the classification of peripheral municipalities
Get_Invalsi_ISDownload the Invalsi census survey data
Get_nstudDownload students' number data
Get_nteachers_provDownload the number of teachers in Italian schools by...
Get_RegistryDownload the registry of Italian public schools from the...
Get_School2munAssociate a Municipality (LAU) code to each school
Get_ShapefileDownload the shapefiles of Italian NUTS-3 and LAU...
Group_DB_MIURAggregate the database of Italian public schools buildings at...
Group_nstudAggregate the students number data by class at the...
Group_teachers4studArrange the number of teachers per students in public Italian...
Map_DBMap school data
Map_InvalsiDisplay a map of Invalsi scores
Map_School_BuildingsDisplay data fom the school buildings database
SchoolDataIT-packageSchoolDataIT: Retrieve, Harmonise and Map Open Data Regarding...
Set_DBBuild up a comprehensive database regarding the school system
Util_Check_nstud_availabilityCheck how many schools in the school registries are included...
Util_DB_MIUR_boolClean and convert the raw school buildings data to Boolean...
Util_DB_MIUR_numConvert the raw school buildings data to numeric or Boolean...
Util_Invalsi_filterFilter the Invalsi data by subject, school grade and year.
Util_nstud_wideClean the raw dataframe of the number of students and arrange...
SchoolDataIT documentation built on Oct. 1, 2024, 9:06 a.m.