Man pages for SmCCNet
Sparse Multiple Canonical Correlation Network Analysis Tool

aggregateCVSingleAggregate and Save Cross-validation Result for Single-omics...
classifierEvalEvaluation of Binary Classifier with Different Evaluation...
dataPreprocesspreprocess a omics dataset before running omics SmCCNet
fastAutoSmCCNetAutomated SmCCNet to Streamline the SmCCNet Pipeline
getAbarCalculate similarity matrix based on canonical weights.
getCanCorMultiCanonical Correlation Value for SmCCA
getCanWeightsMultiGet Canonical Weight SmCCA Algorithm (No Subsampling)
getCCAout_singleInternal functions called by getRobustPseudoWeights_single.
getOmicsModulesExtract Omics Modules based on Similarity Matrix.
getRobustWeightsMultiRun Sparse multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis and Obtain...
getRobustWeightsMultiBinaryRun Sparse multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis and Obtain...
getRobustWeightsSingleSingle-omics SmCCA with Quantitative Phenotype
getRobustWeightsSingleBinarySingle-omics SmCCA with Binary Phenotype
networkPruningPrunes Subnetwork and Return Final Pruned Subnetwork Module
pipePipe operator
scalingFactorInputScaling Factor Input Prompt
summarizeNetSHyNetSHy Summarization Score
X1A synthetic mRNA expression dataset.
X2A synthetic miRNA expression dataset.
YA synthetic phenotype dataset.
SmCCNet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:49 a.m.