Man pages for StatMatch
Statistical Matching or Data Fusion

comb.samplesStatistical Matching of data from complex sample surveys
comp.contEmpirical comparison of two estimated distributions of the...
comp.propCompares two distributions of the same categorical variable
create.fusedCreates a matched (synthetic) dataset
create.imputedFills-in missing values in the recipient dataset with values...
fact2dummyTransforms a categorical variable in a set of dummy variables the Frechet bounds of cells in a contingency table...
Frechet.bounds.catFrechet bounds of cells in a contingency table
gower.distComputes the Gower's Distance
harmonize.xHarmonizes the marginal (joint) distribution of a set of...
mahalanobis.distComputes the Mahalanobis Distance
maximum.distComputes the Maximum Distance
mixed.mtcStatistical Matching via Mixed Methods
NND.hotdeckDistance Hot Deck method.
pBayesPseudo-Bayes estimates of cell probabilities
plotBoundsGraphical representation of the uncertainty bounds estimated...
plotContgraphical comparison of the estimated distributions for the...
plotTabGraphical comparison of the estimated distributions for the...
pw.assocPairwise measures between categorical variables
RANDwNND.hotdeckRandom Distance hot deck.
rankNND.hotdeckRank distance hot deck method.
samp.AArtificial data set resembling EU-SILC survey
samp.BArtificial data set resembling EU-SILC survey
samp.CArtificial data set resembling EU-SILC survey the best combination if matching variables in...
StatMatch-packageStatistical Matching or Data Fusion
StatMatch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.