Man pages for SticsRFiles
Read and Modify 'STICS' Input/Output Files

compute_day_from_dateConvert date into day number
convert_xml2txtTransforming a STICS xml file into a text file
download_dataDownload example USMs
download_usm_csvDownloading a CSV usms data file example into a directory
download_usm_xlDownloading an Excel usms data file example into a directory
force_param_valuesGenerates files to force parameters values in STICS...
gen_ini_xmlGenerate STICS ini xml file(s) from a template or an input...
gen_obsGenerating observation data files from a data.frame
gen_sols_xmlGenerate STICS sols xml file from a template or an input file
gen_sta_xmlGenerate STICS sta xml file(s) from a template or an input...
gen_tec_xmlGenerate STICS tec xml file(s) from a template or an input...
gen_usms_xmlGenerate STICS usms xml file from a template or an input file
gen_usms_xml2txtGenerating one or several usms directories from a javastics...
gen_varmodGenerating a var.mod type file
get_climate_txtRead STICS input meteorology file
get_examples_pathGetting examples files path attached to a STICS version for a...
get_lai_forcingGetting LAI forcing for each usm
get_obsRead STICS observation files (*.obs)
get_param_infoFinding parameters information using partial search words
get_param_txtRead STICS input parameters from text files
get_param_xmlGetting parameter values from xml files
get_plants_nbGetting plants number per usm for all usms or selected from a...
get_report_resultsExtracting data from the STICS report file
get_simLoad and format STICS daily output file(s)
get_soils_listGet the soil names for an usms.xml file
get_stics_versions_compatGet the compatible STICS versions
get_usms_filesGetting existing xml files path list per usm from an usms.xml...
get_usms_listGetting usms names list for an usms.xml file
get_var_infoFind STICS output variable names and description
get_varmodGet desired STICS outputs
is_macEvaluating if the OS is a Mac OS type
is_stics_paramSearch if a STICS parameter exist
is_stics_varSearch if a STICS variable exist
is_unixEvaluating if the OS is a unix like type
is_windowsEvaluating if the OS is a windows type
read_params_tableGetting parameters data from tables files (Excel sheet, csv)
set_param_txtSet (replace) STICS input file parameters
set_param_xmlSetting parameter values into xml files
sub-.cropr_simulation'[' method for 'cropr_simulation'
upgrade_ini_xmlUpgrading _ini.xml file(s) to a newer version
upgrade_param_gen_xmlUpgrading a param_gen.xml file to a newer version
upgrade_param_newform_xmlUpgrading a param_newform.xml file to a newer version
upgrade_plt_xmlUpgrading _plt.xml file(s) to a newer version
upgrade_sols_xmlUpgrading a sols.xml file to a newer version
upgrade_sta_xmlUpgrading _sta.xml file(s) to a newer version
upgrade_tec_xmlUpgrading _tec.xml file(s) to a newer version
upgrade_usms_xmlUpgrading a usms.xml file to a newer version
upgrade_workspace_xmlUpgrading XML files of a JavaSTICS workspace directory to a...
SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.