Man pages for TRexSelector
T-Rex Selector: High-Dimensional Variable Selection & FDR Control

add_dummiesAdd dummy predictors to the original predictor matrix
add_dummies_GVSAdd dummy predictors to the original predictor matrix, as...
FDPFalse discovery proportion (FDP)
fdp_hatComputes the conservative FDP estimate of the T-Rex selector...
Gauss_dataToy data generated from a Gaussian linear model
lm_dummyPerform one random experiment
Phi_prime_funComputes the Deflated Relative Occurrences
random_experimentsRun K random experiments
screen_trexRun the Screen-T-Rex selector...
select_var_funCompute set of selected variables
select_var_fun_DA_BTCompute set of selected variables for the T-Rex+DA+BT...
TPPTrue positive proportion (TPP)
trexRun the T-Rex selector...
TRexSelector documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:57 a.m.