Man pages for ThurMod
Thurstonian CFA and Thurstonian IRT Modeling

blocksortSorts the blocks in ascending numbering
count.combnCount paired comparisons
count.xblocksDetermine the number of extra blocks
designACreate the Thurstonian design matrix for paired comparison...
FCPaired comparisons of $N=15$ items from one factor/trait...
FC12Paired comparisons of $N=12$ items from one factor/trait...
FC_rawRaw ranking data of $N=15$ items from three factors/traits...
FC_scoresScores of the data set 'FC' from Mplus.
fit.correctCorrect degree of freedom and fit indices in Thurstonian...
fit.lavaanPerforms lavaan estimation of the given model.
fit.mplusPerforms Mplus estimation of the given model.
get.scoresEstimate factor scores based on Genuine Likelihood
get.xblocksGet extra blocks in a Thurstonian design, that links all...
get.xblocks.anyGet extra blocks in a Thurstonian design, that links as few...
i.nameCreates names for paired comparisons of a given design.
metablockFind all general blocks
mod.matricesCreate model matrices for Thurstonian modeling
pair.combnDetermine all paired comparisons
rankADetermine the rank of the design matrix defined by the...
read.mplusReads results from Mplus output file.
recodeRecode variables.
redundanciesDetermine the number of redundancies
reliabiltyFSCalculate reliability estimate for factor scores.
sim.dataCreate data based on Thurstonian model equations
syntax.lavaanCreate lavaan syntax for Thurstonian forced choice analysis
syntax.mplusCreate Mplus syntax for Thurstonian forced choice designs.
ThurMod documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 5:07 p.m.