Man pages for TrendLSW
Wavelet Methods for Analysing Locally Stationary Time Series

Atau.mat.calcLagged Autocorrelation Wavelet Inner Product Calculation
celegensbioBioluminescence of C. Elegens
Cmat.calcCross Autocorrelation Wavelet Inner Product Matrix...
ewspec.diffEstimation of Evolutionary Wavelet Spectrum of Non-Zero Mean...
ewspec.trendEstimation of Evolutionary Wavelet Spectrum for Non-Zero Mean...
get.boundary.timeseriesCalculate Boundary Extended Time Series
plot.TLSWPlot Trend and/or Spectrum Information in a 'TLSW' Object
print.TLSWPrint an Object of Class 'TLSW'
summary.TLSWSummary of Output Provided by the 'TLSW' Function
TLSWEstimate Trend and Spectrum of Trend Locally Stationary...
TLSWlacfCompute Localised Autocovariance Estimate of a TLSW Object
TLSWsimSimulate Trend Locally Stationary Wavelet Process
TrendLSW-packageWavelet Methods for Analysing Locally Stationary Time Series
wav.diff.trend.estWavelet Thresholding Trend Estimation of Time Series
wav.trend.estLinear Wavelet Thresholding Trend Estimation of Time Series
z.accZ-Axis Acceleration for Human Activity Monitoring
z.labelsActivity Labels for Human Activity Monitoring
TrendLSW documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:06 a.m.