Man pages for TrialEmulation
Causal Analysis of Observational Time-to-Event Data

calculate_predictionsCalculate and transform predictions
case_control_sampling_trialsCase-control sampling of expanded data for the sequence of...
censor_funcCensoring Function in C++
check_newdataCheck Data used for Prediction
data_manipulationData Manipulation Function
data_preparationPrepare data for the sequence of emulated target trials
expandExpand Function
expand_until_switchCheck Expand Flag After Treatment Switch
initiatorsA wrapper function to perform data preparation and model...
predict.TE_msmPredict marginal cumulative incidences with confidence...
print_TEPrint a weight summary object
robust_calculationRobust Variance Calculation
select_data_colsSelect Data Columns
summary_TESummary methods
te_data_exExample of a prepared data object
te_model_exExample of a fitted marginal structural model object
TrialEmulation-package'TrialEmulation' Package
trial_exampleExample of longitudinal data for sequential trial emulation
trial_msmFit the marginal structural model for the sequence of...
vignette_switch_dataExample of expanded longitudinal data for sequential trial...
TrialEmulation documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.