Man pages for aghq
Adaptive Gauss Hermite Quadrature for Bayesian Inference

aghqAdaptive Gauss-Hermite Quadrature
compute_momentCompute moments
compute_pdf_and_cdfDensity and Cumulative Distribution Function
correct_marginalsCorrect the posterior marginals of a fitted aghq object
default_controlDefault control arguments for 'aghq::aghq()'.
default_control_marglaplaceDefault control arguments for 'aghq::marginal_laplace()'.
default_control_tmbDefault control arguments for 'aghq::marginal_laplace_tmb()'.
default_transformationDefault transformation
gcdataGlobular Clusters data for Milky Way mass estimation
gcdatalistTransformed Globular Clusters data
get_hessianObtain the Hessian from an aghq object
get_log_normconstObtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature...
get_modeObtain the mode from an aghq object
get_nodesandweightsObtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature...
get_numquadpointsObtain the number of quadrature nodes used from an aghq...
get_opt_resultsObtain the optimization results from an aghq object
get_param_dimObtain the parameter dimension from an aghq object
interpolate_marginal_posteriorInterpolate the Marginal Posterior
laplace_approximationLaplace Approximation
make_moment_functionMoments of Positive Functions
make_numeric_moment_functionCompute numeric moments
make_transformationMarginal Parameter Transformations
marginal_laplaceMarginal Laplace approximation
marginal_laplace_tmbAGHQ-normalized marginal Laplace approximation from a TMB...
marginal_posteriorMarginal Posteriors
nestedNested, sparse Gaussian quadrature in AGHQ
normalize_logpostNormalize the joint posterior using AGHQ
optimize_thetaObtain function information necessary for performing...
plot.aghqPlot method for AGHQ objects
print.aghqPrint method for AGHQ objects
print.aghqsummaryPrint method for AGHQ summary objects
print.laplacePrint method for AGHQ objects
print.laplacesummaryPrint method for laplacesummary objects
print.marginallaplacesummarySummary statistics for models using marginal Laplace...
sample_marginalExact independent samples from an approximate posterior...
summary.aghqSummary statistics computed using AGHQ
summary.laplaceSummary method for Laplace Approximation objects
summary.marginallaplaceSummary statistics for models using marginal Laplace...
validate_controlValidate a control list
validate_momentValidate a moment function object
validate_transformationValidate a transformation object
aghq documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:10 p.m.