Man pages for altfuelr
Provides an Interface to the NREL Alternate Fuels Locator

all_stationsFind All Alternate Fuel Stations by Criteria
altfuelAlternate Fuel Stations in the US.
altfuel_apiQuery the NREL Alternative Fuel API
alt_fuel_nearCheck For Alternate Fuel Nearby
count_resultsCount Station Results
last_updatedRetrieve the Date of Last API Data Update.
nearest_stationsRetrieve Nearest Alternate Fuel Stations by Criteria
nrel_paramsConfigure parameters for NREL API call
pipePipe operator
station_by_idFind a Specific Alternative Fuel Station by Unique ID
stationsExtract station data from API object
update_paramsUpdate Non-Null Parameters
altfuelr documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 10:19 a.m.