Man pages for animbook
Visualizing Changes in Performance Measures and Demographic Affiliations using Animation

aelesAustralian election study data
anim_animateModified the ggplot object
anim_prepTransformed numerical into categorized data
anim_prep_catTransformed category data into a categorized format
cat_changeSimulated data with some change (category)
dbl_changeSimulated data with some change (numerical)
funnel_web_plotTurn the data into a facetted plot
funnel_web_spider_dataFunnel web spider plot data
kangaroo_dataKangaroo plot data
kangaroo_drawKangaroo path map
kangaroo_plotTurn the data into a ggplot object for the animate function
osirisOsiris firm sales data
proportional_shadeProportional shaded data
sigmoidAnimate sigmoid path
sineAnimate sine path
wallaby_dataWallaby plot data
wallaby_plotTurn the data into a subset plot for animate function
animbook documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:14 p.m.