Man pages for anomaly
Detecting Anomalies in Data

anomaly-packageDetecting Anomalies in Data
bardDetection of multivariate anomalous segments using BARD.
capaA technique for detecting anomalous segments and points based...
collective_anomalies-methodsCollective anomaly location, lags, and mean/variance changes.
machine-temperature-dataMachine temperature data.
passDetection of multivariate anomalous segments using PASS.
plot-methodsVisualisation of data, collective and point anomalies.
point_anomaly-methodsPoint anomaly location and strength.
samplerPost processing of BARD results.
show-methodsDisplays S4 objects produced by capa methods.
simulated-dataSimulated data.
summary-methodsSummary of collective and point anomalies.
anomaly documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:08 p.m.