Man pages for antaresViz
Antares Visualizations

addShadowsAdd a shadow to map layers
exchangesStackPlot the exchanges of an area
limitSizeGraphUse to change limit size of graph (in Mb)
mapLayoutPlace areas of a study on a map
modRpartMake rpart from antares data
modXYMake X-Y bockey plot, interactive version
placeGeoPoints-shinyShiny bindings for placeGeoPoints
plotMapDisplay results of a simulation on a map
plot.mapLayoutPlot method for map layout
plotMapLayoutVisualize mapLayout output.
plotMapOptionsGraphical options for plotMap
plotThermalGroupCapacitiesPlot for Thermal Group Capacities
plotXYPlot density between X et Y with ggplot2 and plotly
prodStackVisualize the production stack of an area
runAppAntaresVizRun app antaresViz
savePlotAsPngSave interactive plot as a png image
setInteractivityGet and set interactivity mode
stackMapplot stack and map
tsLegendPlot an interactive legend for time series plots
tsPlotplot time series contained in an antaresData object
antaresViz documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.