Man pages for archivist
Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects

addHooksToPrintAdd 'archivist' Hooks to 'rmarkdown' Reports
addTagsRepoAdd new Tags to the Existing Repository
aformatShow Artifact's List of Formats
ahistoryShow Artifact's History
alinkReturn a Link To Download an Artifact Stored on Remote...
archivistOptionsDefault Options for Archivist
archivistPackageTools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects
areadRead Artifacts Given as md5hashes from the Repository
areadLocalRead Artifacts Given as md5hashes from the Repository
asearchRead Artifacts Given as a List of Tags
asearchLocalRead Artifacts Given as a List of Tags
asessionShow Artifact's Session Info
atraceAdd Tracing For All Objects Created By Given Function
cacheEnable Caching of the Function Results with the use of...
copyToRepoCopy an Existing Repository into Another Repository
createEmptyRepoCreate an Empty Repository
createMDGalleryCreate the Summary for Each Artifact in a Markdown Format
deleteLocalRepoDelete the Existing Repository from the Given Directory
extractDataInternal function for extraction of data from objects
extractMiniatureInternal function for extraction of miniatures
extractTagsInternal function for extraction of tags from objects
getRemoteHookGet http Hook for Remote Repo
getTagsReturn Tags Corresponding to md5hash
loadFromRepoLoad Artifact Given as a md5hash from a Repository
magrittrmagrittr - a Forward-Pipe Operator for R
pipePipe operator
removeTagsRepoRemove Tags from Repository
restoreLibsRestore Versions of Libraries
rmFromLocalRepoRemove an Artifact Given as a md5hash from the Repository
saveToRepoSave an Artifact into a Repository
searchInRepoSearch for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags
setRepoSet Repository's Global Path
shinySearchInRepoShiny Based Live Search for an Artifact in a Repository Using...
showRepoView the List of Artifacts from the Repository
splitTagsSplit Tags in Repository
summaryRepoView the Summary of the Repository
zipRepoCreate a zip Archive From an Existing Repository
archivist documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:30 p.m.