Man pages for arrowheadr
Make Custom Arrowheads

arrow_head_beziermake arrowhead from list of bezier control points
arrow_head_catenaryMake catenary arrowhead
arrow_head_defaultDoes nothing but provide defaults for documentation
arrow_head_ellipseMake arrrowhead with ellipse
arrow_head_functionMake arrowheads with any function
arrow_head_harpoonMake a harpoon arrowhead
arrow_head_hypotrochoidMake spirograph arrowheads
arrow_head_iconMake arrowhead from preset icon
arrow_head_latexMake latex arrowhead
arrow_head_trefoilMake trefoil arrowhead
arrow_head_wittgenstein_rodMake arrowhead with Wittengenstein's Rod
nudgerNudge columns of a matrix by fixed amounts
plot_arrowheadPlot arrowhead
reflectermake a reflection of a matrix on the y axis
rescalerRescale each column of a matrix
rev_matrix_rowsreverses the order of rows or columns in a matrix
rotaterRotate a 2-column matrix
transformerDo transformations in a desired order
unitizerFit matrix to unit circle
v2matrixConvert a vector to a matrix
arrowheadr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.