Man pages for autostsm
Automatic Structural Time Series Models

autostsm-packageautostsm: Automatic Structural Time Series Models
DGS55 Year Treasury Yield
GDPUS GDP Seasonally Adjusted
NA000334QUS GDP Not Seasonally Adjusted
SP500S&P 500
stsm_bdiagBuild a block diagonal matrix from two matrices
stsm_build_datesBuild the date sequence as a Date type
stsm_check_exoData check for input exo
stsm_check_exo_fcData check for input exo.fc
stsm_check_yData check for input y
stsm_constraintsSet the inequality constraints for estimation
stsm_coxstuartCox-Stuart Test
stsm_dates_to_interpolateCreate dates to interpolate
stsm_detect_anomaliesDetect Anomalies
stsm_detect_breaksDetect Structural Breaks
stsm_detect_cycleDetect cycle from the data
stsm_detect_frequencyDetect frequency and dates from the data
stsm_detect_multiplicativeDetect if log transformation is best
stsm_detect_seasonalityDetect seasonality from the data
stsm_detect_trendDetect trend type
stsm_estimateTrend cycle seasonal decomposition using the Kalman filter.
stsm_filterKalman Filter
stsm_fixed_parsFixed parameter setting
stsm_forecastKalman Filter and Forecast
stsm_format_exoFormat exo
stsm_init_parsGet initial parameter estimates for estimation
stsm_na_kalmanMissing Value Imputation by Kalman Smoothing and State Space...
stsm_priorReturn a naive model prior decomposition
stsm_ssmState space model
UNRATEUnemployment Rate Seasonally Adjusted
UNRATENSAUnemployment Rate Not Seasonally Adjusted
autostsm documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.